About Us

Afghan Social Marketing Organization (ASMO) is a social marketing and behavioral change communication organization in Afghanistan focused on the health sector, primarily family planning and maternal and child health. ASMO provides Afghans with access to the information they need to make informed and healthy choices and expanded access to a focused suite of affordable, high-quality priority health products. A market segmentation analysis of the AfDHS 2015 reveals that ASMO’s contribution to health in Afghanistan is significant. More than 22 percent of women using modern contraceptives used products marketed by ASMO. Similarly, between five and 20 percent of users purchased ASMO’s oral rehydration salts (ORS), water treatment solutions and iron supplement products. As “A Partner for a Better Life”, the Afghan Social Marketing Organization (ASMO) was officially registered at the Ministry of Economy in August 2008, and formally started its operations as an independent not-for-profit Afghan NGO in December 2010.

ASMO was created as an initiative of the social marketing within Afghanistan. ASMO stimulates positive behavior change for the enhanced well-being of individuals within the community through the application of state of the art communication approaches and training addressing key health and social problems in partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The communications–through national education, training, social marketing approaches–enhance the demand for quality health products supplied through private-sector channels, increasing national access to and use of those products.